Uechi Ryu Karate Do Australia
Southern Highlands Martial Arts Academy | SHMAA
Contact | 0405 191 632 | abishop@shmaa.com.au
About Southern Highlands Martial Arts Academy
Our team
Sensei Andrew - Dojo Head Instructor SHMAA 5th Dan (Shihan)
Australian Karate Federation Accredited Coach
First Aid Qualified and Working with Children Check
"My goal is to teach Martial Arts in order to help strengthen the minds and bodies of our students. Uechi Ryu Karate Do helps to build focus, self-control co-ordination and self-discipline."
Uechi Ryu Karate Do is for EVERYONE come and give it a go.
Sempai's (Assistant Instructors)
Owen Sutcliffe - 3rd Dan (Sandan)
Caitlin Bishop - 3rd Dan (Sandan)
Kylie Bishop - 2nd Dan (Nidan)
Ben Hardie - 2nd Dan (Nidan)
Peter Gouganovski - 2nd Dan (Nidan)
Sensei Andrew Bishop leading Black Belts in Kata
"Karate is about building a strong body and mind" "Karate is for self defense ONLY"
Setting short and long term goals is so important to the development of a Martial Artist.
A very proud moment shared with Sempai Kylie and Caitlin
Congratulations on your Dan Gradings.